Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"But it's so pretty...."

Hey! 6 to 10 more inches of snow tonight! WOO HOO!
Why the FUCK do I live in New England again??
We got whacked last week. I've got no place left to throw
the stuff. The last thing I need is MORE.

I love the people who say, "It's so pretty"....they're the ones
who never lift a shovel. Same for the "You've got to have
snow for Christmas" crowd. Why do I need snow? Because
Bing Crosby sang a stupid song about it? Please.

And do you know WHY Bing had to "dream" of a white Christmas?
Because he was probably in Palm Springs sipping his damned
Minute Maid lemonade !

OK, I'm just pissed off that I'll have to spend all day tomorrow
doing physical labour. I admit it. So what?


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