Thursday, November 15, 2007

Winner Settles In

Mrs. L wondered if the cat would accept us as its
new family [it can be a bit "L-ish" around here -

All indications are, Winner is comfortable:

He has a fondness for shoulders:

Which gets a bit inconvenient, because he doesn't want to
get off. He also likes to bite, but he at least adjusts his
force depending upon the victim. All in good fun.

Yesterday, he went into the "clumping" litter and peed a
gift for Mrs. L's birthday:

. . . aw. Heart-shaped. Mrs. L is obviously his favourite, even
though she often asserts that she is "not a cat person".

HOW can you look at a heart, peed especially for you,
and NOT be moved?


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ani 'n' Sanjaya

The family went out to a concert last night:

. . . blurry pic . . . for those who forgot their glasses, it says,
Ani Difranco. "The little folksinger". . . and maybe secretly
"The Littlest Difranco"??? That song her "family" recorded
["Heartbeat - It's a Lovebeat"] is a really bad earworm!!!

Um. . . OK, maybe that was some OTHER Difrancos.

Cameras were not allowed. But of course, as is always the
case these days, it seemed like everyone was taking pictures
with their phones. Can't wait for the "no phone" rules to be
implemented. . . no one will go to a show ever again. We "old
timers" used to go to concerts all the time without phones,
believe it or not.

Anyway, I took a picture. I had my camera. What a scoff-law!
So, in keeping with their policy, I've altered it:

Can you see Dennis Kucinich on stage, making an idiot of himself
by pretending he has rhythm? [Hint: Be glad you can't!!] Ani is
a big supporter of his - and this isn't the first time I've attended
one of her shows and had to listen to him speak. But - I never
want to see him try to shake any form of percussion (or
ANYTHING, for that matter) EVER again. . .

They tried to buy Master L's support with balloons and

The guy's got no chance. I just hope he bows out after the
primaries and doesn't help "split the vote". . . otherwise, he
might as well be working for CheneyDubUrtonCo.

Well, it was a good show, except for the couple in the
tenth row who wouldn't sit down - fortunately just to
the outside of my sightline, but the person on my
right was not so lucky. Oh, and let's not forget the
political rhetoric and the horrible thought that
anyone in the audience seriously thinks Kucinich
stands a chance. "Imagine a government. . .", he
said, before talking about a utopian situation that
will never happen.

I think "Imagining a government" was where the trouble
all STARTED, but it's been thousands of years, so the horses
are out of the barn on that one.

Jon Stewart said it best: "Sanjaya, WHY are you still in this