Tuesday, September 01, 2009

More Travels

Out and about . . .

"Art" shot (meaning, multi-hued and out-of-focus!) of Mrs. L before
a gig in Vermont, taken with a cheap "gimmick" camera:

Roadside food, entrance:

Roadside food, exit:

Cloud animal, Vermont:

Cloud . . um . . volcano . . yeah, that's it, Vermont:

War protesters in western Massachusetts:

Manhattan - Ice cream and back rubs, who could ask for more?

Choosing fruit at an outdoor market (tougher than choosing ice cream!) :

Waiting for the train back downtown:

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, #1:

Showing bemusement that friend's iPhone can't be left alone for
even a minute, Brooklyn Bridge #2:

Sign o' the times, Coney Island:

Very frightening how many takers there were, and how many
were able to get off a headshot!!!

The "veranda", Brooklyn:

If you tire of walking, just sit on a dog!

Alligator control, NYC-style:

Master L, scouring the beach at Coney Island, attempting to avoid the
"whitefish" and "needlefish" :

Cat blocking the exit when we got home to prevent us from
leaving again:

We'll try to get out again when he falls asleep . . .


Anonymous groovebunny said...

Looks like a wonderful vacation Mr. L! :))

10:48 PM  
Blogger Erin O'Brien said...

Hey! A photo round-up blog. I dig me some war protesters.

Thanks, Mr. L.

1:50 PM  

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