Thursday, March 24, 2005

The "Greatest" Generation

WARNING!!! I wrote this during a particularly
trying sequence of events. I never published it
because I thought I was just being pissy because
I was under stress. I just found it in my 'draft'
folder. I'll let YOU decide.


Since I'm dealing with a funeral this week, I'm also
dealing with lots of people from Tom Brokaw's
"Greatest Generation". And it makes me wonder . . .

If they're so great:

Why do all of these people wear so much perfume
to funerals? Do they think the collective smell
will ward off evil spirits? It does make me want
to run . . .and I've been accused of being evil....

How come they all love to compare THIS funeral home's
rooms to THAT funeral home's rooms? Does the deceased
really care?

Moving away from funerals, why did they come home from
World War II, give themselves all kinds of sweetheart deals
on mortgages and wages, then once they were older and
owned everything - - decided it would be fiscally irresponsible
to do anything helpful for the worker?

Why are they so fervently "religious", yet more than half of
their marriages ended in divorce? Well, OK, I take that one
back - only the women were religious. Why else would they
have had a baby every year just because "Father Lester
said we had to . . ." ???


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