Sunday, December 25, 2005

Good Thing I Don't Have A Nut Allergy

I sliced open two fingers on my left hand yesterday while
de-fleshing a coconut. [As my dad would say, "What
did you do THAT for?"]. If I'd been allergic, it would have
been a straight shot into my bloodstream.

Oh, wait....a coconut is not a's a I
would have been safe, since I managed to stem the
flow before bleeding out!

Here's a nice little e-mail exchange with a friend of mine:
Mr. L: " I sliced open my third and fourth fingers on my
fretting hand....while defleshing a coconut, of all things. It was
the shell that got me, not the knife!"

"Sympathetic" friend:
"No excuse. Dummy! Django bass then... (I'm a chef, so I'm sorry
but no sympathy)."

It's great to have a support team! Anyway, the cuts were razor-clean,
so I should be healed for the gigs coming up next weekend.

Happy holidays, everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OUCH! Hope you heal fast. And while you are at it, have a wonderful, successful, happy and stress-free New Years! Here's to 2006!

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back again to tell you that I've FINALLY gotten around to answering your question. Stop on by!

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LG: "New Skin Liquid Bandage"...they even list "musicians" as likely customers on the box copy. Seems to be working so far.

Re: Your only your Dad uses your real name, and your middle name is not quite what it was supposed to be - maybe Last Guy isn't the only "person of mystery" in your home!

3:48 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

I managed to slice open a finger too on Christmas day. But it WAS the knife that got me. It didn't actually hurt until Boxing Day. There's something mighty suspicious about fingers and boxes this time of year, huh?

8:07 AM  
Blogger slow poke kate said...

owie!! Just curious, what were you using to open it? I once bought one thinking I could incorporate it into a sexy sex night and well...the coconut could not be opened... not even after throwing the damn thing ;)

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda: First, I used a hammer and nail to make holes to drain out the milk. Then I used the hammer to crack the shell. From there it was easy to separate the two halves. I had no trouble with any of this until I grabbed the edge of one of the halves with my hand and squeezed too tighly. Pretty careless...

The "Liquid Skin" held through my gig last night. A miracle adhesive! But - it doesn't smell so good.

2:58 PM  

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