Thursday, July 13, 2006

Transgression Thursday

A new feature here at Mr. Lugubrious. Or, not. I was thinking
maybe I'd feel better if I vented and bitched regularly. But we'll
just have to see if I can keep finding things to complain about.
After all, as those of you who know me are aware, complaining
is simply not in my nature. If you are confused, read the FAQ.

OK, well.....

A ceiling section of highway tunnel in Boston collapsed the other night
and killed a passenger in a car. Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's
response has been to seize upon the opportunity to attempt to remove the
Turnpike Authority boss from office. It just so happens that they are
from rival parties. Romney doesn't seem interested in holding the overpaid
construction contractors responsible for their shoddy work, though.
Maybe they donated to his campaign (yeah, right....maybe). This guy's
a schlub, and please, PLEASE don't vote for him when he "goes
national". Just my opinion, of course. Maybe he'll mention the victim
one of these days instead of his political rivals. Well, that's if he hangs
around - he's usually out of the state, networking his political future.

There's been a sign outside a local business for the last few weeks:
"Freedom is never given - It is earned".
I guess the Bill of Rights is officially dead! Kind of makes me wonder
why our soldiers are all over the globe, "giving" other countries "freedom".
Shouldn't they earn it?

My digital camera died and I had to send it back to the company. Hey, it
WAS three months old and I took about 130 pictures. What more do I
expect for the money? Selfish jerk.

As you may already know, my 17" computer monitor died. I'm still not
sure if I'm pissed off about that. The 12" has better colour. Plus, my
eyes seem to have adjusted to the smaller size (or I'm just getting old).
OK, that pisses me off. But who can I blame for any of that?!?

I hate people who say, "Read the FAQ." But they're not quite as bad
as the ones who say, "RTFM". At least I can usually find the FAQ.
And it didn't kill any trees.


Q: Why Thursday?
A: It's because it took me five days since I thought of it to get around to doing it.

Q: Why "Transgression"?
A: Good question. Because it's alliterative and therefore slightly memorable,
and because I'm lazy and stopped looking for another word once I found that

Q: Whose transgressions are they?
A: If they were mine, they wouldn't bother me.


Blogger Bud said...

This should be fun, L! I can't seem to discipline myself to get quite that regular though. Is there like a regularity pill for bloggers? MetaBlogcil or something?

If I started to get all political, thouugh, even to the point of stating that I hate politics, I'd need to go on valium. I could get pretty wound up so I'm staying away from anything that pisses me off. I'll enjoy reading yours, though.

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bud: Discipline is something I lack. Well, I have the King Crimson album by that name...but that's about it. Let's see if I have another post next Thursday or not - there's about a 50/50 chance I'll motivate myself to do it!!

11:30 PM  
Blogger hellomelissa said...

some weeks you just get pissed off at everything. how about make it a monthly post? add 'em up for 30 days, then let 'em fly. here's to transgressions!

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa: A month is too long. I can barely remember where I live over the course of a week!

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband actually mentioned the New Hampshire license plate motto the other day about freedom and said nuthin about it being earned!

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right..."Live Free or Die" dramatic.

8:43 PM  

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