Wednesday, October 03, 2007

All's "Fair"

Yesterday was the annual Fair gig. It used to be a reunion of
the original lineup of the band, but injuries and other
commitments seem to have put an end to that particular
angle. So now it's just another gig on the schedule.

Mrs. and Master L practice their "pre-show mulling":

The sax player arrives, carrying all that heavy gear that
horn players have to lug around:

"We tune because we care":

The mighty bass rig stands ready to shake the foundations
of both the stage and the audience's pre-conceived notions
of "bottom":
Note the bottle of ibuprofen on the top right . . . used as both
an anti-inflammatory AND a percussion device!

Master L with duck on head:
. . . um . . . OK . . .

The "show" gets underway:

Banished to "stage Siberia" for not having to carry heavy
Oh, all right - it was only an optical illusion:

Another year at the Fair in the books. Packed up all the gear
and went with Master L to feed the hens and roosters, and
watch chicks hatch. Also, pulled the "no guilt if it comes
from someone else's plate" trick by confiscating chunks of
fried dough from Mrs. L.

I forgot to bring the hot sauce for the guitar player's sausage
sandwich (the vendor hasn't been stocking it for the last
two years). My bad. It's not like I don't have dozens of
bottles of it around, it's just that I have no short-term
memory. Huh? What??

I'll bring the sauce NEXT year!


Blogger Webmiztris said...

so I'm confused - are you one of the guys in that band or were you just there to watch?

3:29 PM  
Blogger skoneill said...

Well, durn it all. We were there on Sunday; if I'd've known you were going to be there during the week, I'd have come. Never heard your band with the lazy, non-equipment-carrying member before.

Looks like they gave you a better stage than last time?


5:54 PM  
Blogger Mr. L said...

WebMiz: I'm the bass player. Standing between the drums and keyboard. The only guy wearing shorts!

Sue: You weren't notified? Surely an error on our part. Same stage...but clean! LOL!

6:08 PM  
Blogger Bud said...

Fun times. We should pay sax players less or make them carry our shit, don't you think?

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bud: They figured that part out long ago -- asking horn players to carry stuff is like turning on the light in a roomful of roaches. LOL!

4:38 AM  
Blogger hellomelissa said...

i'm breaking out in my own rendition of "our state fair is a great state fair..."

oh, and that's not a duck, mr. l. it's a google. get with the webkinz lingo, man. :)

5:44 PM  
Blogger teahouse said...

That's a cute photo of Master L with the duck. Is he trying to be the next Bjork? Heehee.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa: In the words of Marge Simpson..."I always thought Googling yourself meant that other thing!"

Teahouse: That would have been more effective BEFORE he cut his hair!

1:04 PM  

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