Saturday, July 26, 2008

Some Stuff from Blog Vacation 1

Here's some stuff that went on while I was off recovering
from sports-related betrayal . . .

One day, while hiking in the woods, Master L noticed
this, stuffed inside a hollow tree and sort-of covered
with brush:

This thing looks like some kind of lost military something
or other, doesn't it? It has latitude and longitude
markings and "Official Geocache" written on it.
Having had no idea what the hell 'geocache' was, I pulled the
the thing out of the tree with a long tree branch, and opened it
with the same. I don't know what I was thinking - if
this had been an explosive device, I doubt the length of
the branch would have saved me!

Anyway, it contained a logbook and a bunch of little toys.
Odd. But it had a web site written on it, too. So, not
knowing 'how the game is played', we took it home to
check out the site. That's when we discovered that there
are legions of people hunting down these 'geocaches'
using their GPS systems. Ah, technology - is there
anything it can't do?

Having looked at the web site, we now knew that
we weren't supposed to pull the box from its location
(oops), but instead, take an item from it and leave
something else. My son took a little toy 'Magic 8 ball'
that was in there and we put in a Matchbox car and
small bottle of hand sanitizer. Then we brought it
back out to the woods and put it back in the tree.
We had stumbled into the world of geocaching and
located one of their boxes without any technology
at all . . . just a good pair of young eyes. Hmmm . . .

On a different day, we went to a Red Sox game.

This was the best deal in the park for food.

And the 'food' had that heady mix of heat,
grease and cheese that makes any meal a
success! :)

My camera was not cooperating on this day . . . and I must have had

too much caffeine to hold it still (though I *thought* I consumed

enough grease to counteract that!).

What's with the double-spacing??? Stupid interface. But

now you can try to 'read between the lines' for some

actual interesting content!!!


Blogger Bud said...

Geocache? That's a new one to me too. Hey the Red Sox are being courted by my nearby town (Sarasota) to move their spring training there and away from Fort Meyers. The Reds ended their deal and moved to Phoenix.

12:18 PM  
Blogger tonka_boy said...

I found your post on a Google search of Geocaching. Found one accidentally? That's cool. Thanks for putting it back, some people just keep them. My wife and I have been geocaching for just over a year - and it's very addictive. But it's great fun! Seeking out those hidden treasures has taken us to places that we would never have gone.

If interested, we're on Blogger too. Except for the occasional off-topic post, it's all about geocaching.

Cache on!

The Northwoods Geocats

10:10 AM  
Blogger Mr. L said...

Bud: I'm not enough of a die-hard to ever attend spring training. I know a guy who does, though. His in-laws live right near Ft. Myers - this will probably devastate him! :)

Norm: What can I say? Somehow, despite my best efforts, I became an honest man! LOL

2:39 PM  

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