Thursday, May 26, 2005

Born To Be In The Way

"Some people are just born to be in the way."

I remember hearing that said. I don't know who said it.
But what if it is literally true? What if EVERYONE
is born to be in the way?? No, not your way. MY way,
of course !

What if that idiot in front of me driving way below
the speed limit was only put here to piss me off? For
all I know, the guy wanders off and dies as soon as
he's done impeding my progress.

Some cosmic force made sure his parents met and
procreated at exactly the right moment to ensure
the guy would hold me up someday! Can you
believe the nerve? Why me??

All of these obstacles . . er, ah, I mean, people, I
encounter every day - all of them serve NO other
purpose than to slow me down.

Well, except for those who were put here specifically
to serve me. But maybe the cashier at the Dunkin' Donuts
drive-thru dies right after I drive away. How would I
know? I never seem to see the same employee twice.


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