Monday, June 27, 2005

How To Boil Water

I must ask:

Does it seem right to boil water in a kettle,
pour out what you need into a cup . . .

. . . and then let the kettle sit on the stove half
full of water - which you will REBOIL next time
you want some?

It just seems wrong.
But I don't want to sound like this guy .

Well . . . not TOO much . . .


Blogger Admin said...

I only pour as much water in the kettle as I want to boil. Sometimes, there's a little left over, and even more rarely I underestimate by about an ounce, but I usually get it right. You'll also find it only takes about a minute to boil a mugful of water instead of like 5, if you do it that way, which is even quicker than a microwave's usual 1:30.

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shoot, you KNOW I can't cook... and I suck at boiling water!

Actually, I have a cute little thing called a hot shot. It holds exactly 2 cups of water and boils it in about 30 seconds! Perfect cup of tea every time! Ain't life grand!

1:50 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

For shame, Last Girl! I finally found a talent where I can beat the crap out you, if we had a contest. Dualing frying pans or grills and spice racks--I win!!! My mother never could cook anything other than yucky casseroles, so I had to learn how to cook real food, to keep from starving (my maternal grandpa could cook, and he showed me a few things).

But whip out a voice or a musical instrument, and I will bow down in your honor! That's just the way these things work.

9:31 PM  

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