Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A New Model Of Dogs, Go!

Last week I noticed a space in one of my bookshelves. I'm not
overly anal about my books (unlike my CDs/LPs, which tend
to be arranged strictly alphabetically), but I knew which book
was missing: A New Model of the Universe, by P.D.
Ouspensky. I hadn't looked at it for years, but now, of
course, I wanted to....because it wasn't there....

After a few days, it turned up in a box in the basement. So I
took it to the park to read while Master L was having his
swim class. I sat down at the picnic benches with the
other parents and grandparents and started reading.
Now, Ouspensky is not a "light" read. However,
the book "Run, Dogs, Run!" IS rather light. And
the grandmother sitting next to me decided to read it
to her grandson. Out loud...well, it would HAVE to
be out loud....but I mean, VERY loudly.

I tried to focus my attention on my own book, but
couldn't block her out. In my head, it sounded
something like this, although I'm sure I'm paraphrasing
the "Run, Dogs, Run!" portion:

"If the questions as to whether the world is a chaos or a
system, and whether RUN the world DOGS came RUN!
into being accidentally STOP or was created according
DOGS to plan STOP!, are solved THE LIGHT IS
without being preceded by RED! a GO definition of
DOGS the form of the world GO!, and do not result THE
from such a definition, LIGHT those solutions lack weight,
IS demand "faith", and fail to satisfy the GREEN mind."

I lived through the experience, but effects may not be visible
for months or even years.

[With apologies to P.D. Ouspensky, and Hal Higdon/Dana
Summers, authors of the works referenced above.]


Blogger Admin said...

The old bat probably assumes everyone's as deaf as she is. You should have a ready made flash card to show her that reads "Quit screaming. We're not deaf!"

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! That is about the funniest thing I've read in days. Seriously!

1:00 AM  
Blogger Bud said...

Ouspnsky, huh? That was too many years ago to count. My memory of trying to read it was just like your recent experience only the RUN DOGS RUN part was just my mind wandering.

11:29 AM  

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